Perinatal Health Blog

Resources for new and expecting moms to improve their physical and mental health.

The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not constitute as medical advice.

pregnant woman holding healthy salad bowl

The Benefits of Prenatal Nutrition

What you consume in pregnancy can impact you and your baby’s health. This blog discusses some of the amazing health benefits of optimal prenatal nutrition.

Pregnant woman doing prenatal exercise with band

Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

This infographic was developed by Dr. Margie Davenport (PhD, Associate Professor University of Alberta), Dr. Melanie Hayman (BHMSc, MEd.Practice, PhD; CQUniversity Australia), and Jenni Diamond

How Do I Get Rid of my Mom Pooch?

Desperate to get rid of your “mom pooch”? In this post, we’re going to take you through common reasons why you might have “mom pooch” and what you can do about it.

checking client's abs after pregnancy

What Is Abdominal Separation?

What is “ab separation” or “diastasis”? This blog aims to answer your common questions all about abdominal separation, also known as diastasis recti.

Bright pink shoes clipped in to spin bike

Return to Spinning Postpartum

There is little guidance available on how to return to spinning safely postpartum. In this article, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know to safely return to spinning after baby.

What’s the Deal with Leaking?

Leaking urine is common postpartum and during pregnancy, but it is also treatable. Learn how to manage incontinence and strategies to help you with this.

Start with These Exercises after Baby

It can be confusing to know where to start with exercising postpartum. This post is your guide to know which exercises to begin with for the first time after baby.

Back Pain

Navigating back pain can be super challenging. This blog will teach you some strategies to help support your health and well being when experiencing back pain.

Pregnancy and Exercise: What you need to know!

There is a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there on exercising during pregnancy. In this post, I’m going to spell out for you the “do’s” and “don’ts” of prenatal exercise.